
About The BLCG Family

When you think about the Billion Local Coin family it should take your mind back to the beginning, when sheep could be swapped for tomatoes, corn, onions, plantains, pumpkins and many other trade items.

Think about BLC Gold as the replacement for either the sheep, your vegetables or payment for any other item.

So on your next shopping spree don't miss the opportunity use your BLC Gold with a simple tap on your smart device.

Get it! Hold it! n' Spend it!


Our vision is a cryptocurrency capable of making purchases (like cars, houses, groceries, etc). In addition to those capabilities, a stable and secure instrument of trade. The BLCG is a cryptocurrency project that has the backings of verified Gold and Bauxite “in ground with a future extraction plan” assets (gold and bauxite that has not yet been taken out of the ground).

The value of the assets goes well into the twelve-to-fifteen-digit numbers as verified in the geological report. In our environment, past, present, and future gold has, continues to, and will continue to maintain its position as being one of the most secure financial instruments. We in our vision see our users being secured by the gold and other assets we have positioned behind the BLCG.


We will strive to make BLCG as one of the prominent ways that the cryptocurrencies are utilized in different areas of business and economy as well as social welfare and other major areas of technology.